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What is News Cycle Report Premium?

News Cycle Report Premium is a newly launched optional subscription available to users who wish to support us. We provide several exclusive features for those that wish to escape even more of the "modern web":


Account type Anonymous Registered Premium
Cost $0 $0 $6/month
Ability to view articles on the main page, including filtering/sorting
Save and share news articles with other users
Subscribe to a customized list of news sources
View AI analysis and summaries generated by others
Generate your own AI analysis and summaries
Notifications or article hiding based on keywords matched in title
Daily digest emails based on subscribed sources or keywords
On-demand email based support with a 24 hour SLA


  1. Save and share articles with other users

    Each user account has the ability to save articles to a favorites list and share it publicly, and syndicate it via RSS feed.

  2. Subscribe to a customized list of news sources

    Each user account has the ability to customize the list of news sources that appear on the front page.

  3. View AI analysis and summaries generated by others

    We use the latest in Artificial Intelligence to summarize the article and present it to you in a minimal text-only view.

    Users who subscribe to the service will see a new [analyze] link available next to every article.

  4. Generate your own AI analysis and summaries

    Premium users have the ability to generate an unlimited number of summaries and analysis of news stores from any news source.

  5. Notifications or article hiding based on keywords matched in titles

    Premium users can create a list of comma seperated keywords in the user project a user can be notified when a news headline matches it. A news story can also be hidden if it matches a keyword as well.

  6. Daily digest emails based on subscribed sources or keywords

    Premium users can enable a daily email digest sent at the end of the day summarizing news headlines the user subscribes to.

  7. On-demand email based support with a 24 hour SLA

    Send an email to the support address to file bug reports, ask questions, get general support from this platform.


News Cycle Premium is available for $6/month. Payment is recurring by default, and you are free to cancel at any time without any bullshit. Your subscription and payment information is managed through Stripe.

By subscribing to Premium, you are helping to support us in our mission of providing an antidote to the "modern web".

How do I signup?

First, navigate here to create an account (if you have not already).

Once complete, navigate to your profile section to activate News Cycle Report Premium via Stripe.